Ok, I have seen two people that have gotten "tagged" by someone. And on the blog, it says something like: I've been tagged by *someone* so here it goes...
And then they have a bunch of questions! Hence meadow is confused.What if someone taggs me and I don't know what to do?! *panics* I don't even know what "Tagging" is! Help?
We watched Kicking And Screaming last night. Its pretty good! Some stuff made me laugh really hard!
Its only four days till my twelwth birthday!!! We're seeing /nanny mcphee/ (I have no idea if the /words/ worked.)!!I'm inviting two friends, but I'm not going to say the names.
And then they have a bunch of questions! Hence meadow is confused.What if someone taggs me and I don't know what to do?! *panics* I don't even know what "Tagging" is! Help?
We watched Kicking And Screaming last night. Its pretty good! Some stuff made me laugh really hard!
Its only four days till my twelwth birthday!!! We're seeing /nanny mcphee/ (I have no idea if the /words/ worked.)!!I'm inviting two friends, but I'm not going to say the names.
At 6:38 AM,
Paula said…
You poor homeschooled only child.
"Tag" is a game where you run around, and somebody hits you and yells "Tag, you're it!" and then you have to run around and do the same thing to someone else.
I'm sorry I have failed you as a teacher and a mother.
At 9:30 AM,
Spoke said…
You silly, churched, homeschool teaching, small towner, "tag" is when you go to your favorite building, fence or other flatty surface and spray-paint your name, nickname or mark on it.
I'm gonna tag Jimmie's fence 'cause he tagged me in a silly touchie game...
At 9:43 AM,
Clinton.Toews said…
There seems to be a lot of confusion about what "tag" means, hopefully this will clear things up for you Meadow... or not. enjoy
1. A strip of leather, paper, metal, or plastic attached to something or hung from a wearer's neck to identify, classify, or label: sale tags on all coats and dresses.
2. The plastic or metal tip at the end of a shoelace.
3. The contrastingly colored tip of an animal's tail.
4. Sports. A bright piece of feather, floss, or tinsel surrounding the shank of the hook on a fishing fly.
5. A dirty, matted lock of wool.
6. A loose lock of hair.
7. A rag; a tatter.
8. A small, loose fragment: I heard only tags and snippets of what was being said.
9. An ornamental flourish, especially at the end of a signature.
10. A designation or an epithet, especially an unwelcome one: He did not take kindly to the tag of pauper.
11. A brief quotation used in a discourse to give it an air of erudition or authority: Shakespearean tags.
12. A cliché, saw, or similar short, conventional idea used to embellish a discourse: These tags of wit and wisdom bore me.
13. The refrain or last lines of a song or poem.
14.The closing lines of a speech in a play; a cue.
15. Computer Science.
- A label assigned to identify data in memory.
- A sequence of characters in a markup language used to provide information, such as formatting specifications, about a document.
16. Slang. A graffito featuring a word or words, especially the author's name, rather than a picture: “Instead of a cursive linear tag, Super Kool painted his name along the exterior of a subway car in huge block pink and yellow letters” (Eric Scigliano).
Tagged, tag·ging, tags
1 To label, identify, or recognize with or as if with a tag: I tagged him as a loser. See Synonyms at mark1.
2 To put a ticket on (a motor vehicle) for a traffic or parking violation.
3 To charge with a crime: The suspect was tagged for arson.
4 To add as an appendage to: tagged an extra paragraph on the letter.
5 To follow closely: Excited children tagged the circus parade to the end of its route.
6 To cut the tags from (sheep).
7 To add a taggant to: explosives that were tagged with coded microscopic bits of plastic.
8 To mark or vandalize (a surface) with graffiti: tagged the subway walls.
v. intr.
To follow after; accompany: tagged after me everywhere; insisted on tagging along.
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