Aint sitting still.

I lived in Vancouver till I was 6. Then we had to move here, small town "Christian" Alberta. I miss vancouver...

Monday, July 10, 2006

Calaway Park!

We went to Calaway Park last Tuesday. Its Monday today...Sorry for not posting sooner.
It was soo much fun!!! I went on the Vortex(A Rollercoaster that goes upside down and everything), Storm, Chaos, Big Eli, Bumper Boats(Which is where I set eyes upon the hottest most wonderful guy ever...But enough about that), Dogem's, U Drive Safety School Of Motoring(Hey, my dad wanted to), Ocean Motion(But NO ONE wee-woo'd), Shoot The Chutes, Super Jet(I think), Haunted Mansion, and, for my dad, THE CALAWAY EXPRESS(The train)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All in all, it was a wonderful day. The kid who I thought was wonderful was about thirteen...Hehe. He kept looking at me in the line...Oh well.

And on the way home, I saw a guy on a motorcycle with a Full Face helmet, and I smiled real big, expecting to just drive past, but when I smiled, we stopped at a red light, so I just sat there smiling. His helmet turned and stayed pointed at me, but I couldn't tell if he was smiling at me, frowning at me, crying at me, nothing. Because his helmet was tinted. But then he did a little wave thingy, so he must have been smiling. Then he did two wheelies(Which is pretty hard to do on a bike!) then he did a stoppy. That's where the front brake goes on only, and the back tire lifts up. Then my dad rolled down his window and told the guy something he saw at a bike show, then the light changed and he said "See ya" to ME only, because I was the one that smiled at him. He's my new best friend...Not really...

and since I couldn't find Calaway Park pictures, you get this one of me behind my fence.


  • At 1:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey! Long time no see, how have you been?

  • At 6:21 PM, Blogger canadiangirl said…

    Hot guy around age 13? Meh, he's close to my age! And he was looking at you! Heehee!
    Wld've liked to have seen this biker person, sounds really sweet!

    Isn't Chaos fun? And how about the Storm, eh? lol

  • At 7:20 AM, Blogger Paula said…

    That was a great day! I love the Vortex, totally love it. I just wish it was longer...

  • At 11:39 AM, Blogger Spoke said…

    I didn't see that little punk! I would've VORTEXED him I tell ya...
    No, but I WOULD have SPOKE to him you fraidychicken.


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