Aint sitting still.

I lived in Vancouver till I was 6. Then we had to move here, small town "Christian" Alberta. I miss vancouver...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


We won our game 4-0!!!!! I was in D(defense) and I usually kick the ball with my toe if I have to get it far, but I didn't this one time, and it went really far! Three quarters across the field(Which is good for me, because I thought I was weak when I kicked like that)!! The next team we play is supposed to be kinda bad...Oh boy! Our first game we didn't work well as a team, but in the second one(And games to come) we worked awesome!!

Right now we're watching Fear Factor, and this one girl is kind of a Barbie. She has to eat four beetles, and I'm pretty sure she's going to throw up! This one girl is from Canada(Yeah!!), and she did pretty well(She didn't throw up). Even though 50,000 dollars isn't much for having to do all the stuff they have to do. Bleh!


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