Aint sitting still.

I lived in Vancouver till I was 6. Then we had to move here, small town "Christian" Alberta. I miss vancouver...

Monday, March 20, 2006

So some of you have questions...

How did I get him in my nightshirt? I just put it on him, I always do.
Should I teach him to make you a pie? No. There would be dog hair in it.
Should I teach him to clean my room? No becau...Hhhmmm.
Should I teach him to blog? No. That's just silly.

Zippy says, "I think it would be great if spoke taught Meadow how to load pictures from the digital camera onto the computer. Then Meadow could take pictures of me aall the time!

Oh, and dad, that was a hint...If you hadn't gotten that.


  • At 9:34 AM, Blogger Spoke said…

    just what the world needs, dog photos....

  • At 3:37 PM, Blogger canadiangirl said…

    aw, so cute!!! you should very much so do that!!!!

    why couldn't I ever get MY dogs (who I would love to shoot) to do that?! i want your dog!


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