Aint sitting still.

I lived in Vancouver till I was 6. Then we had to move here, small town "Christian" Alberta. I miss vancouver...

Friday, December 01, 2006

Right now.

Right now, my finger still hurts...Except more. Because its all dry and hurt-full now. Quasi is asleep on my lap...Looking very smug...Probably dreaming about how good it felt to him when he tore through my flesh! Little devil. He's so annoying!

When I went to get him out of the bathroom(Which is where he sleeps) this morning, he was all cuddly looking, so I put my chin near his face, and was Eskimo kissing him, and he was licking me, and we got all the way to the living room, then he bit my chin hard! Little But-Sniff. Then, when he wants to be cuddled(Or so he thinks), if I'm sitting at the computer, he comes up, and I say hello, not knowing what he's planning, and he jumps on my leg, and climbs up it! And it hurts...And I have to teach him to not!
Once, I was watching You-Tube with my dad(Queen...Or Zeppelin...I forget which), then Quasi came up behind me, and jumped on my leg, and climbed up to my back, and ate my hair! Gosh! And he's so quiet! And sneaky! We should have named him Kujo!

He likes hanging off my poor dogs tail. Zippy never did anything to him(Really...Zippy wont even bark to tell Quasi to go away)! Quasi is so mean! However...Once when Quasi was sleepy, we put him near Zippy, and Quasi curled up, and wanted to cuddle with Zippy, because dogs are so warm. But Zippy is a pansy, and jumped off the bed, and asked to go outside! If they would only get along....Fine. They can be that way.
I don't know where Zippy is right now...He's probably freezing outside...Hmm...I should probably let him in.


  • At 1:01 PM, Blogger Spoke said…

    The kitten will mellow out. Or we could put him in the crock pot for Thursady night...

  • At 10:05 PM, Blogger j said…

    what a darling kitty! He sounds mischevious, that's for sure.

    btw, I LOVE the answer to "How would you remove the peel of an apple?" Very smart. And deviously spoken! :D


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