Aint sitting still.

I lived in Vancouver till I was 6. Then we had to move here, small town "Christian" Alberta. I miss vancouver...

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Today is my first soccer practice, and I am very excited about it. The only problem about it is that I can't keep up a fast run for very long. I'm very fast, but I can't keep it up for very long. That's why I'm going to ask to be in defense. I think I'm pretty good at defense, and if this one girl isn't on the team this year, I'm going to ask to try out for goalie. I don't know if I'm that good at it, but I'm not horrible at it. The usual practices are at 6:30, but tonight it's at 6:10. This year our coach is someone who isn't even 20 yet! I think his name is Tai. Two years ago he was my friend's coach's helper. I wonder if he'll be a good coach? He'll probably be better than the last one I had. The last coach that I had didn't explain anything, and it was my first time playing soccer...But oh, well. And I might have asthma, so at games I'll have to remember to bring my puffer along. We have to have black shorts this year. Mine are really comfy. There's this one girl on my team that is also a homeschooler, and I don't like her very much, and she doesn't like me very much. In fact I don't think hardly anyone likes her...But I'll have to live with it because she's on my team. I guess it won't be so bad.

Well, I should probably get ready.

(Any mistakes made on this post were made by my mom, because she typed what I said)

Monday, April 10, 2006

East Coolie Spring Festival

Before I start, I may have spelt a few of the names wrong.

We went to the East Coolie Spring Festival Yesterday. Now, I'm not a HUGE fan of music, but I'll listen to it. Yesterday there were 30 bands playing. And they don't have enough seats at those things, so most times we would have to stand because there wasn't enough room. And we were there from 1:00 in the afternoon(AM?) till 11:00 at night(PM?). And my feet were SORE!! But most of the music was pretty cool. Even though I wanted to leave and come home at 4:00(AM?) and that was seven hours before we left. It was also very hot in the rooms. So I played outside when it got to hot in one of the rooms. And there was this one dog(German shepherd) who was really nice. But I didn't know who he belonged to... Perhaps he was a niehboorhood dog, kinda like Snoopy. And when my mom and her friend were dancing to the Bandacoots, me and my dad went outside to look for drunks(Ya, they had beer there), because he knew I didn't want to listen to them anymore. So when we went outside I smelt this smell... Kinda like faint faint skunk. Dad asked me if I could smell anything, I said ya, its like skunk. And he said, no, that's Pot. And I smelled Pot for the first time....Eeeewwwww!
I saw one guy who had bags under his eyes, and he had a dazed look, and he was holding a beer. Can you believe I only saw one drunk?! Well, there was one lead singer that was really drunk in the afternoon...She was a she, and in the afternoon, she almost got into a bar-brawl with a big huge(300 pound?) Skinhead guy(I'm not sure what skinhead means, one of our friends said that..So nobody get offended.).

But the East Coolie Spring Festival was OK. I'd do it again...

Just not this year.