Aint sitting still.

I lived in Vancouver till I was 6. Then we had to move here, small town "Christian" Alberta. I miss vancouver...

Thursday, January 18, 2007

A Poem I Wrote For School.

My Cousins
When we go upstairs
Matt has three-billion different gaming systems.
When we play "Bunnies Don't Know What to do With Cows"
Micheal's face turns bright red
And his eyes scrunch up
And when he tried to laugh normally,
It comes out in loud grunts.
Lauren likes to play "Trauma Center, Second Opinion"
When she forgets what to do,
She yells very loudly.
Then its up to me, Micheal and Matt
To help her remember
By screaming out what to do next.
When I play games with them
I always have an awesome time.

By Meadow.

Saturday, January 13, 2007


Click is an amazing movie! I loved it!! It was funny, and this one scene almost made me cry! The only movies that have made me cry, are The Iron Giant, the Jesus movies, Simon(That movie of the handy capped kid...You know) , and Edward Scizzor-Hands. But I was way over tired. I balled through the whole movie, and by the 20th minute, it wasn't even about the movie anymore. Anyway. Click was awesome!!!!!
And so funny! Adam Sandler is in it(As I'm sure all of you know), and some other actors...

Right now, I am so tired, I was blinking it the car, and each blink felt so good! This morning, when I woke up, I turned on my light(Not really even noticing that I had) sat up in bed, and shut my eyes and rocked back and fourth very softly. Then I opened my eyes again, and realized I had been doing that for about ten minutes! Crazy stuff...

And last week on Sunday, I woke up at six, and went to the bathroom. But when I looked in the mirror my hair was bleach blond! Seriously, it was weird. And I hoped that it would stay till later in the day, but it didn't...I woke up again at eight, and it was normal. Maybe if I wake up at six tomorrow morning, it'll happen again! Oh cool!

Thursday, January 11, 2007


The new saying is: "Let sleeping kittens lie"
I woke Quasi up with a little nudge, and he was fine with that, but he was still tired, therefor confused my finger for a toy. He struck, and cut my pointer finger open on my left hand! It hurt. And if you squeeze it, it opens, and closes, and opens, and closes, and opens, and closes, and opens, and closes, and opens, and closes, and opens, and closes, and opens, and closes!! Its great...

But it hurts anyway! Oh well. I've decided to not care.

I'm to busy to type this...


The new saying is: "Let sleeping kittens lie"
I woke Quasi up with a little nudge, and he was fine with that, but he was still tired, therefor confused my finger for a toy. He struck, and cut my pointer finger open on my left hand! It hurt. And if you squeeze it, it opens, and closes, and opens, and closes, and opens, and closes, and opens, and closes, and opens, and closes, and opens, and closes, and opens, and closes!! Its great...

But it hurts anyway! Oh well. I've decided to not care.

I'm to busy to type this...

Thursday, January 04, 2007

What I got for Christmas!

I did AMAZING this year with Christmas! Hoorah!
Stocking: A terry's chocolate orange, Sunglasses that make me look really cool, Black nail polish, Dr Pepper lip chap, Ice vanilla lip gloss, a purple picture frame, a kinder surprise, a kitten note keeping thing, a notebook, a book with paper games for two people, a candy moose where you put the candy in him and press the button and he poo's out the candy, socks, candy bracelet thing, and pony tail holders.
Wrapped presents: Coins from my birth year(1994) that are very shiny and kept in a cute little booklet, a West49 red and black checkered belt, a West49 Camo hoodie, a black hoodie/jacket that is all black with red lighting's and skulls(Emily the Strange), the first Harry Potter, a Surf magazine, Charlie and the Chocolate factory(The new one), a cordless controller for my Gamecube, a Zelda game called The Wind Waker(Which is the exact one I asked for), fuzzy socks, more fuzzy socks, a Hula girl makeup holder thing, Hula girl Kleenex, gum that is wrapped to look like Cigarettes and when you blow on the end it makes a puff, jelly candles that I can make, a beanie baby, six kinds of nail polish, a notebook with a zipper, a Magic Bullet(I'm going to make myself and all my friends iced capp's and Smoothies!!!!)...Thats all I can remember with out going to look in my room which I'm not going to do! Yay!

We're back!

We left the Anderson's house at Four-thirty in the morning. Then, when we got to Sicimous at lunch time , the road was closed! So we had to get a hotel! It had a good pool though. And I dived about five times before I saw the sign telling me I wasn't aloud.
Then, I woke up at five in the morning on my own(Whoa), and then we left the hotel at six in the morning. Went to Tim Hortens(Tim's) and I got a bagel with extra cream cheese, and a medium iced cap. Then, we got to Golden at nine-thirty in the morning and the road was closed!! And the radio told us we had to wait until two in the afternoon!! So we went to Dairy queen, and I got a medium Oreo Blizzard. I wanted a large. I ate about a quarter of the blizzard, then gave the rest to my dad...Ahem. I also got a medium fries. I dipped the fries in my blizzard and it was great!!!!! Then we went to the store to buy magazines or comic books because we would have to wait for two and a half more hours. I wanted three Archie's, but I only got two. I didn't read them all through. Score two for the parents. Then we went to Tim Hortens and I got a Swiss and Ham sandwich thing. I ate it at lunch time and it was very good. Then the road opend at one-thirty instead of two. So we were on our way! We got home yesterday at seven! That was twelve hours of being in the car not counting the seven we drove the day before! I got Zippy back yesterday, and am getting Quasi back today. QUASI HAS BECOME NICE!!!!!! According to one of our friends who went to see the people watching him. YAY!! And I am also getting my hamster Blizzard back today. Hehe! I will post what I got for christmas in the next post, considering this one is long already.