Aint sitting still.

I lived in Vancouver till I was 6. Then we had to move here, small town "Christian" Alberta. I miss vancouver...

Thursday, April 19, 2007

A quick Quasi update...

Hoorah! Quasimodo is back! I was listening to music in my room, and my window was open. I thought, Meh! So I walked to my window, and yelled 'Quasi!' out of it. And I heard a 'Meow!' I called again, and the sound meowed again. So I ran outside(I almost went out in bare feet, but I thought better of that, considering there is snow everywhere) and up the hill, and I called again, and it meowed again. I ran into our neighbors-neighbors yard, and called again. It meowed louder, and it was like it echoed. Then I heard the bell on his collar, and I turned around, and he was sitting on the neighbors-neighbors driveway, looking wet and annoyed. His paw was stuck in his collar, and I picked him up. The first thing I said, was 'Don't worry baby, I got you' I thought people only said that in movies. Oh well. So now he's back. YAY! The reason he didn't come back was probably because his leg was stuck in the collar, and he couldn't make the jump over the fence or something. Poor kitten.

And today, he got his mouth stuck open. His teeth were stuck in the collar. So I ran and got leather gloves for mom, and she cut the collar off of him, and he was scratching and doing this growl-meow thing. But now he's better. I don't think he likes wearing collars....


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