Ok, I think I get this whole tagging thing... Whoever tags me puts some questions on their blog, and I copy them and put them on MY blog and answer them my way... Got it!
Four jobs you've had: babysitting on Tuesdays, helping at a tree farm, mowing my grandma's lawn when it needed it,once I helped at a local-ish zoo.
Four movies you could watch over and over: Lord Of The Rings Two Towers, Emperor's New Groove, Napoleon Dynamite, any Simpsons episode.
Four places you've lived: a yellow house(thee yellow house actually),a house in a housing co-op, my grandma's for about 3 months, and the one we live in now.
Four TV shows you love: Simpsons, SpongeBob SquarePants...That's about it. But not for long. We're getting satellite.
Four places you've been on vacation: Disneyland, Manitoba, Colorado, lots of trips to Vancouver since we moved here.
Four websites you visit daily: neopets(yes, you read right, neopets), runescape(again, you read right), hotmail, blogger.
Four of your favorite foods: Macaroni, Anne's(Cheddary macaroni), sandwiches, perogies.
Four places you would rather be(or live in my case) right now: Vancouver, Vancouver, Vancouver, Van...I like this house to.
four bloggers you're tagging: Smilyme, Paula, Spoke, Asher...But Asher wont see this..Meh.